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Old 08-10-2015, 07:28 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Mr.JonathanLanda View Post

I know nothing about American cars, heck I don't think we have ever owned one.

Is this too expensive?

Or worth it. I have to do something like this

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Consider your options, an engine swap can be very comprehensive. You can find cars out there that have already been swapped and save yourself a fair amount of money while losing the peace of mind knowing that you or a trusted shop did it.

More commonly people stay within the Porsche family and will put a 911 engine in a boxster, I'd suggest this route but also want to remind you that especially with how 996s are, it's cheaper to just buy a 911. I am unsure what model boxster you have but if you have a base, why not test drive an S and see if the few grand upgrade would satisfy your needs over a whole engine swap.
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