Some updates (work has been crazy, no time to work on the car):
I took the alternator out and brought it to Autozone and OReilleys. Both place tested and said that that the alternator is fine, and so is the Voltage Regulator. I put it back in.
Since I was inside the car already, I changed the belt and the air filter. The belt wasn't so bad, but the filter was.
I keep resetting the codes, and the MAF warnings keep coming back. I heard that it could be the battery being disconnected or some electrical problem somewhere else, but if the Durametric is to be believed, the MAF is bad.
These are the errors that I believe keep repeating:
P1062 - Supply voltage open circuit
P0102 - Mass airflow snesor short circuit/open circuit
P0112 - Intake air temp sensor
I will disconnect the MAF again tomorrow and try again.