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Old 07-24-2015, 04:02 PM   #60
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Thanks, Jager. I was actually curious about Jake's statement about assessing the health of someone's AOS (as in using a manometer on it). I've got an appointment to have it replaced and was just wondering how far down the 'failure path' it had gone. Based on what I told him, the mechanic who's gonna work on it said it was okay to drive it. But wanting to avoid the more catastrophic forms of AOS failure, I was hoping to get some sort of more quantitative measurement of how bad (or not bad) my AOS really is. (They can't work on it for a couple weeks.)

Yeah, I have no doubt these guys will do a good job on the replacement. Heck, given a few hours (I'm slow but persistent) I'm pretty sure I could change it. I've just got too much going on right now to tackle it.

Thanks again.
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