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Old 07-20-2015, 08:09 AM   #15
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Richmond VA
Posts: 71
Pedro is a stand up guy and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend one of his car's to anyone looking to buy a Boxster. My car had a junkyard 30k mile engine installed with a DOF and all the other goodies.

We had some hiccups during the buy due to me using a cashier's check for the purchase from an out of state credit union, but that was my fault and I should have done some more due diligence in regards to the bank he was using etc... We sorted everything though and at the end of the day Pedro got his money and I got the car.

Drove it 1000 miles up I-95 without any problems. The car ran great! I don't know how MA works, but in VA you can apply through the DMV for something that's called a Trip Permit. It allows the purchaser (must be a VA resident) to transport a car from out of state for up to three business days from the date on the Bill of Sale without having to obtain tags or have the car registered, as long as the intent of the buyer is to title and register the car in Virginia. That's how I got around having to get tags in Florida and still get the car back to Virginia in a legal manner.

Shockingly, I drove 1000 miles, with no tags on the car, on Memorial Day weekend and never got pulled over once! I probably passed 30+ state troopers as well as a bevy of county sheriffs and no one paid me any mind. How I managed to do that I'll never know...
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