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Old 07-19-2015, 04:35 PM   #81
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Further to my previous post, have been puzzling over the circuit diagrams, wondering if I'm on the right lines...

1. My kit came with a siren and a wire to run to it, but it's a bit big to fit under the seat so I was wondering if I could instead use it to get the horn to sound? Any idea if this would be possible by splicing into a wire in the bundle, and if so which one?

...looks like I might be able to splice onto the BK/YE 'alarm horn' wire, although as mine's only an M531 not sure if I'd even have the physical 'alarm horn' fitted?

2. Any idea if there's a wire I can splice to get a 'key on' signal, or might I have to take this from the fuse box?

...possibly BK/BR 'Term 15 In'?

3. There doesn't seem to be a combined 'door open' signal. I currently have it hooked up to just the drivers door, any idea how I could go about combining the separate door open signals into one 'either door is open' signal? (I'm guessing some kind of relay, but a bit out of my depth...?)

...according to Car Security and Convenience Alarm Sensors and Triggers I should be able to combine the 2 negative door inputs in parallel with just a couple of diodes?

Also, anyone know what the BL/RE(/BK) 'door safe' wires are? I'm currently using the BR/GN(/WT) 'claw blank' wires for door open indication, is this correct?

I guess the answer to all of these is just 'try it and see', but hoping someone with more knowledge than me might help me avoid frying something in the process

Thanks again.
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