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Old 07-19-2015, 12:04 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
You are looking for a ground signal, so the other probe would be connected to a 12V + (POSITIVE) source, not the body (which is ground).
Ok! Just back in from the outside - I've figured it out. My first mistake - I had 2 brown with red stripe wires. At least, that's what it looks like to me. Apparently, when I discovered the second brown with red stripe wire and cut it, I heard an unlocking sound. Bingo! Seems I found the right wire.

I played around for a bit with that and could get nothing to work.

I eventually discovered that connecting only one end (the side with the charge) of this new brown/red stripe wire to the unlock wire from the module did it finally work!

I've tried many times splicing the unlock wire to the brown/red stripe wire and it does not work.

Question is - I've now cut the brown/red stripe wire and one side is no longer connected to anything - Does this matter?
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