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Old 07-14-2015, 07:18 AM   #37
Porsche Chick
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Originally Posted by BIGJake111 View Post
Clemson, double major in marketing and management. Considering economics.

I hope to get my MBA not long after, however depending on how i feel after my undergrad I may go into law school as marketing works as a pre req.

I still technically have a year left in high school but I've only got 2 classes, this leaves me with a lot of time to get college basics done at a local tech college.

I will be going in to Clemson 2016 fall with 30 credit hours under my belt.

I hope to do corporate marketing some day, brand strategy and such, however, I am keeping my mind open.

30 on act with a 35 on science.
And 1260 on my sat first attempt.
4.7 gpa. Fingers crossed, this should get me accepted quite fine.
That's an excellent plan, there are nice fluffy corporate jobs for those degrees. Skip the economics, there's no jobs there. A friend of mine has an MBA from Wharton and a doctorate in economics from Harvard and the only job she could find is a lecturer (not even a professor) at a fancy university. Which pays almost nothing. Pretty poor ROI, in my opinion.

As for marketing, here is some advice based on experience; don't believe everything the focus groups tell you, they lie.

If you haven't already taken AP statistics, I suggest you do. At the college level statistics is a monster, but the AP course is supposed to be well organized.
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Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary… that’s what gets you. – Jeremy Clarkson
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