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Old 07-11-2015, 09:53 PM   #35
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If you're wanting a higher end old used car but don't want to (or can't) spend much on maintenance, then you're grabbing the tail of the dragon, especially by trying to buy one cheap.
And I'm not trying to be contrary, I'd just hate to see anyone become heartbroken or lose money they can't afford to lose (been there!).
If you're just driving it on weekends or every day but just to your office a few miles away and the corner store with an occasional weekend jaunt, I'd say it would be fine. But if you plan on driving it a lot, be prepared to have a fairly maintenance-heavy vehicle. You have to really love the car. Most people who keep them for the long haul do.
If you buy a $6,500 Porsche you're more likely than not going to have to shell out several thousand dollars up front to have a totally healthy car that you can press into daily service, and then likely spend at least a couple thousand a year to keep it healthy. This is assuming you don't do all your own work on it.
I don't mean to sound like a downer, because properly maintained, these can be very very dependable cars, and they're very satisfying to drive.
My clean low mileage weekender has needed nothing in two years but oil services and checkups.
My well used daily has needed $6,000 in repairs since December, but it has never stranded me, I drive it over 3,000 miles a month, it's 16 years old, and has over 140,000 miles on it. I always have to keep that in mind.
Hopefully that will give you a better idea of what you're looking at.
"Remember, I'm pulling for ya! We're all in this together."
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