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Old 07-10-2015, 06:49 PM   #21
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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My take:

The key word is average....

I've owned my 2000S since 2008. I now have 125K miles (purchased with 76K). I've done the maintenance myself and so far have had no catasrophic, big $$ issues. The car is a blast and has been very reliable and has never left me stranded.

Besides regular oil changes, I did the 90K mile service a bit early. All fluids are up kept up to date.
My car is 15 years old. At this point, mantenance expenses are as much related to the age of the vehicle as opposed to its marque. Anyting with a seal is suspect. Anything that rotates is suspect.

I'm way under the 2K/year mark as I've been forunate enough to take care of all repairs and maintenance myself. I realize that tomorrow I could experience an issue that would put me right back up to the average. A big failure issue would not be a Boxster or Porsche issue, it would be a 15 year old car issue. It owes me nothing.
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