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Old 07-10-2015, 11:40 AM   #3
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Lol, I'd say it's true. I've probably spent $2,500 plus in my first year with my '98 and I have a list of maintenance and wear and tear items I want to tackle in the next year that will probably add up to $2k. After that, I'm thinking it will be less per year to own. Higher costs ( initially ) are true wirth any old, properly maintained used car. Cars end up being sold when an owner realizes there's a big service bill coming up, the new buyer saves some money with the acquisition but it eventually catches up in repair bills the first 2 yesrs of ownership. If you are ok with this, a DIYer, buy low and get fixing. If not, pay market value but get proof maintenance has been done, get an inspection and work with the seller with any known issues prior to purchase.

So, yes the Boxster as with any older used car is out of the question if you feel that way.
The Miata suggestion isn't bad. You can get a lot of Miata for $6500.

Last edited by bobbeck; 07-10-2015 at 11:44 AM.
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