Originally Posted by Mark_T
Just a thought, rather than throwing parts at it, it may well be cheaper in the long run to take it in and let the pro's have a go at it. Certainly less frustrating.
Hehe, I saw your heading and it made me think of, "I got bad news and I've got good news..."
I've been separated for a little over a year now, and it's been the best year of my life. I highly recommend it.
Yah, I thought about taking it to the pros, but I couldn't get the car to turn on to drive it there, and too lazy to tow.
Another problem is that I live in a place with a bunch of fancy people so the dealer/mechanics charge an arm and a leg just to say hi to you. Last time I called one of them, $150 just to plug the computer to tell me why the check engine light was on.