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Old 06-14-2015, 05:52 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Timco View Post
Any picture will do is our line! Maybe not getting the car started may be a better option?

Try the engine management modules and the crank position sensor. This could be 40+ things. Get the Bently book. Has many TS guides. Starting with good charged batt is #1.

Always cranks but sometimes no start? Tach always moves with these start attempts when it doesn't start? Try checking fuel pressure with a no start?
Battery is brand new. And fully charged.
No, all the lights in the dashboard come on, but tach doesn't move. You're just hear the engine turning like it's "almost there", but the VRROOOOOM never comes.

I kept reading more posts here and found out that some people have a problem where they remove the key and the car still thinks the key is in the ignition. They changed the ignition switch and it solved. I have had this problem happen to me 3 or 4 times over the years. So, I bought the switch. It only costs $9 and Amazon should delivery on Tuesday.
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