I think the bigger and more important question is this:
Is your retirement account fully funded? And if it is, would putting the Macan money with it make for less concern in your golden years?
When you're 80 and you can no longer work you won't care what kind of car you spoiled yourself with when you were much younger. It will be long gone and just a faded memory. You'll just wish you'd saved more, invested it safely, and held on to it for the days when it matters most.
Now if you're already retired mountain man and you have wads of extra cash you don't need for long term care, I would highly recommend a Macan Turbo sooner than later. I will be moving to NC in a few years for retirement and we can go driving around in our Pcars!!!!!
Last edited by RandallNeighbour; 06-05-2015 at 10:04 AM.