Originally Posted by martsink
Yes, I also found my bolts were way too short. I'll have to get some longer ones. So M12x80 works well?
Don't quote me on that, but M12x80 or 85 sounds like what I wound up using.
Originally Posted by martsink
The bolts that came with Wevo mounts are M12x95. Do you think they will be too long?
I'm using the stock transmission mounts. I butchered up the original trans mount brackets to use as a spacer between the cross member and the bolt. The round hole on the cross member was ground out to a square'ish hole to hold the OE mount in place while torquing. I know the color quality is off, but it's otherwise difficult to get a picture of the high gloss pieces in a dirty engine bay.
Also, note my two LEFT frame rails that I was given my kit.
Originally Posted by martsink
Hey Andy, btw is your engine sitting flat? Mine is tilted towards the front and I'm not sure why. Could you please measure your engine mounts height when you get a chance? I didn't use the mounts recommended by Renegade, but they are all supposed to be OEM corvette height. Mine are from Jahns Fabworks
I unfortunately have not mocked my engine up yet. I'm making my own custom pedestal mounts with a different poly isolator. The placement of the C5 mount is awful and creates all sorts of fitment / clearance issues. I am instead making a mount that will go directly to the front Renegade cross member, eliminating the left / right rails that otherwise interfere with the exhaust and starter. I'll probably start fabbing those up this weekend.