Originally Posted by jsceash
I give up
Believe what you want.
Republican legislator from Missouri, offered a bill last month that would allow parents to pull their children out of high-school biology classes lest they be exposed to the concept of natural selection. Nearly 90 years since the public trial of John Scopes, a young schoolmaster accused of teaching evolution to Tennessee children, Missouri’s House Bill no. 1472
The earth is flat and Einstein was all wet
It's not what I believe, it's what I see. With the simulations the wedge makes no difference, then you have Pedro blowing air into the Distribution T and it makes a difference. So what is it that's making this difference? It has to be the way the air is being fed into the Plenum from Distribution T. The air is not hitting the back of the Distribution T (yes maybe a little), it's getting pulled along the side of the Distribution T's radius. That's what makes the 997 Distribution T so effective.