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Old 05-26-2015, 06:23 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Timco View Post
So, under normal conditions, what sends voltage to the FP? If I can't get 12v constant to the FP connector with the jumper in place and relay removed, it seems I need to be tracking down an electrical issue, no? Parts guy at Porsche SLC said in 15 years he's never sold a fuel pump for a Boxster.

Is FP always on while car is on? It can only ever deliver the 3.8 bar or whatever it was?
You only get fuel signal for a couple of seconds after the key is on, then it waits for a signal from the ecu.

Ive done several pumps for the boxsters, in general and if O Reilly stocked it, it means there is a demand for this style pump whether it is from Porsche or vw.

I noticed on mine as soon as you put the jumper on, the pump is on. Ill take a picture of the pump so you know which wires later.
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