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Old 05-10-2015, 02:18 PM   #153
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You don't need circus freak jack stands. As healthservices points out, it will be your floor jack that has difficulty.

I put the jack stands at the jack points for the car. Since they are ahead of the rear wheels that puts the back bumper really high as is.

With my harbor freight jack stands on the second or third notch the car is high enough to drop the transmission and pull it out from under the car - no bumper removal needed.

When it came time to slide the engine out, i put the floor jack ahead of the jack stands and lifted at the rolled body seam (it is a rigid vertical flange) and used a block of wood between the seam and my floor jack. Lift one side, extend the jack stand two more clicks then go to the other side. Rinse, repeat.

That car in the pic is WAY higher than my car ever got.
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