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Old 05-07-2015, 08:03 PM   #1721
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: Greater Seattle, WA
Posts: 534
Not today, but earlier this week, I applied some Aquapel on my 986. (In the Pacific Northwest, this kind of thing can be important.)

That stuff takes a lot of buffing and paper towels to get off! Did take a bit longer than expected to apply.

It even rained some later that day, and the 'pel worked awesomely. At low speed small droplets would accumulate and when I used the wipers, they would literally hurdle that water off the side of the glass. Above about 40 mph the droplets would move off the glass with no wipers needed.

New wipers (Bosch set specially made for the 986 with curved passenger wiper) working very well also.
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