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Old 04-29-2006, 08:47 AM   #79
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Boston area
Posts: 327
Noise issues are a growing concern as urban sprawl continues to crowd us into smaller spaces. Most of the northeast has rules on exhaust noise and you can't get your inspection sticker if you're too loud. But large trucks and buses contribute are worse! I hate the constant sound of development. Every weekend i hear machinery noise all day long as one neighbor after another begins some new upgrade project to their property. And I hate leaf blowers!! Sometimes, in the fall I wear earplugs if I'm out in my yard because the cacaphony of noise is laughable. And hair dryers and vacuum cleaners can cause hearing loss too. I even hate the sound of cars driving by my house at night in the summer when my windows are open.

I love the sound of my Harley or the rumble of a V8. That deep bass sound doesn't irritate me like the high pitched wail of a leaf blower. It soothes the savage soul. Go figure.

But I'm probably just getting old. Hell, I don't even like the stereo loud anymore.
'04 Black Boxster, 18" Carerra wheels
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space."
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