I HATE Bikes. I used to LOVE Bikes. I live on the East Bank of the Mississippi River on a Scenic Drive, very lovely and pristine.
Unfortunately, the Bikers have found it and we are now exposed to 24 Hrs. of popping, cracking and burbbles from their LOUD exhausts.
I live 500 ft. from a tight 180° Curve and one of several things happens, Crotch Rockets try to take it at 80MPH (posted speed 25MPH) at 13,000RPM (occaisionally one of them miscalculates and either Road Rashes 90% of their Body, or carries too much speed and careens off into the Trees or River 80' below - which does my Heart some good), or some Harley feels the need to clear it's throat rattling the Glass in the House.
In my past, I have owned a Triumph Bonneville, Norton Commander and a 'Guzi, I loved Biking and Bikers, we were courteous, careful and didn't try to match the decible level of a 105mm Howitzer.
But this latest generation of Wild Bunch Wannabees (Accountants and Lawyers with more $$ than Brains) has totally soured me on the whole bunch. These people are Rude, totally ignorant of Traffic Laws and decent behavior. We are mounting a neighborhood Ban on Bikes through this Parkway with the City Council. I'm not paying $10k annually in Property Taxes so I can feel like I'm living on Main Street during Sturgis Week 24/7.
To those of you who own Bikes, take heed, owning a Bike doesn't mean you HAVE to be an Assh*le - consider the people whose neighborhood your riding through and show them some courtesy...
Happy Motoring!... Jim'99