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Old 04-24-2015, 03:12 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by hancock1701 View Post
Hi guys,

A little background on what has been happening before the current problem. I've had my Boxster for a year, and it's currently at 140,000 miles. When I first got it, it had codes P1128 and P1130, which were caused by a couples intake and brake booster leaks. I fixed those and it has been great for the past year.

However, I've been getting code P0430 once in a while. I reset it and kept going every time. I notice that that code P0430 only comes on when I'm driving slowly in traffic, or when I'm driving around in a parking lot or structure, every single time.

Last week, I got code P1119, which pointed to the O2 sensor. I didn't reset it, but it went away by itself after a couple days. Yesterday, I got the check engine light again when I was crawling in traffic. The codes are P1119 and P0430.

I've done some research, but haven't found much about these codes together. I was planning to swap the O2 sensor to the other side to see what will happen, but my garage is not available at the moment, so I can't do anything. However, I want to gather as mush information as possible before I tackle this. What do you guys think or suggest I do?
P1119 is for low heating current on the O2 sensor ahead of the three way cat on bank 4-6; P0430 is for a low conversion rate on the cat on the same bank.

I would test the heating circuit on that sensor and see if has gone bad.
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