I had 125000 km on the original dual row bearing in my 99, I was putting the car up to do maintenance over the past winter. Pulled the old bearing because the seals were shot and no grease inside the bearing. I had no metal in filter.
The supplier I used is
986online.com- Boxster Home -Porsche Boxster Parts And Accessories and they recommended the EPS IMS solution. They stated they had sold +250 of these to shops +250 to individuals and have only had one come back on them that the person admitted they failed at the install. No other failures.
I found it an easy install for myself - I have about 3,000 km on it now - all seems fine - I will let you know in another 150.000 km if it was any good, but till then I have no real idea.
I do not know if one is better than the other. Just letting you know what I did.