Originally Posted by Brucelee
Being German, I am confident in what I am about to state:
The guys in Stuttgart hardly noticed. They have SUCH an attitude, they didn't even mind that the Penske/Porsche Lemans Prototypes lost to the Corvette C6R at Sebring this year.
Ah, I love German arrogance.
Anyone for a nice beer? I'll have mine warm and sudsy!
I have it on good authority WHO WILL REMAIN NAMELESS that Stuggart have a ZO6 which they had disassembled to 'reverse engineer' it, what ever the hell that means. And that's NOT the first time they have done so.
Gettin pumeled by the Corvettes is not new but its becoming a trend. Sports car cred comes from the track. That Laguna Seca time differential in Motor Trend was enough to make any Porsche die hard wince. Getting beat on power is fine, but to get outclassed on handling too? what's next braking??!!