Originally Posted by jdraupp
This. If you got a "save" its probably because someone was too lazy to use the hold button or was doing paperwork and let the radar run to get people with detectors to slow down
I can sit somewhere and hit your car with a radar signal and get a reading before you can even hit the brakes because your radar detector went off. Then I can listen to my radar sound drop as you desperately try to slow down. With laser I've had people say their alarm went off and I already had two separate readings. My favorite is to pull up next to someone in traffic, see they have a radar detector and turn on my radar. Their hysterical paranoia is awesome.
Bottom line best way to avoid a ticket if you get stopped is be honest. You may still get one but chances are you will get a break on the fine or points or you may just get a warning. People who have no clue why I'm stopping them get tickets. Be honest about the reason for the stop and your speed when asked. Don't play the cop for a fool.
I make a habit of buying their meals if they are behind me in a drive through. I have been pulled over a few times and not given a ticket so I figured it is kind of a way to pay it forward