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Old 04-02-2015, 04:06 AM   #18
Jake Raby
Engine Surgeon
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Cleveland GA USA
Posts: 2,425
Originally Posted by CHRISP357 View Post
Tonichristi, you go drink your LN kool-aid right now!
"The lion doesn't care about the opinion of lambs". So why spend so much time trashing the competition and people who use the competition? You remember, the customers you called "bottom feeders".
When my motor goes, I'm calling Porsche-land for that very reason.
Do as you wish. Look at who started this thread, show me ONE thread that I have initiated where I opened a topic with no reason but to intentionally trash someone. You won't find it, because it doesn't exist.

Who, in their right mind, takes advice from someone that stands to profit from that advice?
Ummn, you sir, are completely wrong!!! I sell zero parts, if you click the parts tab on my site you'll be taken to a page that ends with a 404 error. I have not sold parts for these engines to anyone in over 5 years!! When you buy from LN, you are not buying from me as I have done my developmental work and been paid for it as I developed the component. By the time something goes to market I have been out of the monetary chain for 3-6 months.

I might if it weren't for the FACT that you deny any culpability and claim your creation to be bullet proof with a WHOPPING 30 DAY WARRANTY!!

Again, thats to be taken up with someone other than me, is not my call. If it were up to me, the products wouldn't get a warranty at all, because I know a little too much about the engines. Something else failing, taking other parts out is always my fear. Here's 6 months of our proof of this:

The fact about the spin on oil filter not loosening is also not exaggerated. I have installed these on every one of my engines since the beginning of the program. I have never had one work it's self loose. I did the development on this product as well and tried to get them to loosen during normal practices. If the prior filter is over tightened and during removal it breaks torque on the adaptor, the adaptor must be re- torqued before a replacement filter is fitted to keep the assembly from being compromised. Thats wrenching 101, but since keyboards can't hold a wrench, few people understand this today.

I was only able to have one loosen when I overtightened the oil filter by double, then broke it loose. When this was done, the filter made the adapter break torque. That was only in development, hasn't happened since.

I defend LN products because before that product was sold it got a chunk of my life, and I know that Charles and his crew are great people, trying to earn an honest living. It sucks that they have to fight with so many less- than- ethical people.
Jake Raby/
IMS Solution/ Faultless Tool Inventor
US Patent 8,992,089 &
US Patent 9,416,697
Developer of The IMS Retrofit Procedure- M96/ M97 Specialist

Last edited by Jake Raby; 04-02-2015 at 04:12 AM.
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