Originally Posted by Pdwight
One time and never again...had to see how fast it would go but I ran out of guts before it ran out of go...it seemed to have lots left BTW
I'm good for right now too, until I get my exhaust upgrades and tune done.
The car was very planted, I even changed lanes to get ready for my exit. I said this was 2 lanes one direction, it's actually 3 lanes one direction.
Street view and I took the 152 exit.
https://www.google.com/maps/@39.263783,-94.510463,3a,75y,165.65h,77.83t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sO3ecps__jc1MDLlJYq48_g!2e0!5m1 !1e4
2003 Boxster S
| 987 Air Box | K&N Air Filter | 76mm Intake Pipe| 996 76mm TB | 997 Distribution T | Secondary Cat Delete Pipes | Borla Muffler | NHP 200 Cell Exhaust Headers |
Last edited by KRAM36; 03-29-2015 at 07:22 PM.