@ James_Hatton:
Under the conditions i described above in post #5 the voltage should be stable at around 13.8 volts. There are some factors that can lower the voltage. The voltage should not go above 13.9 volts. 14.4 volts is too much. I think your problem is a dying voltage regulator.
Voltage regulators in Bosch alternators of that time can most often be replaced seperately. If you have a Bosch Service near you, you should ask them to check and perhaps repair the alternator; or send it in. Maybe they can repair it.
In germany Bosch has a lot of Service stations called Bosch Dienst. They are competent and specialized repair shops for all Bosch products.
Else unhappily you have to replace the complete alternator, which in my opnion is often not that useful, because contacts, brushes (don't know if that is the right term) and bearings normally can be changed by a specialized service shop. I'm not a friend of planned obsolescence.
Regards from germany
PS: i'm nobody, know nobody and know nothing.
Last edited by Smallblock454; 03-16-2015 at 01:13 AM.