Originally Posted by flaps10
"Unfiltered" is slightly misleading. We're not talking about "never been filtered nasty, metal filled oil", it's oil fresh off the oil pump, immediately before the oil would have been rammed through the filter.
That would make it the same as the splash oil supply used on any other option but the Solution which isn't available to all of us.
One could argue that the LN Solution uses "uncooled" oil since it takes the oil from the filter base but prior to going through the cooler (the next step in the oil path). That would be an unfair claim.
I'd say in both cases the oil is being filtered and cooled several times per minute.
And yes, I have the LN filter and magnetic drain plug ready to install.
Hmm.... unfiltered, or "fresh off the oil pump, immediately
before (my bold) the oil would have been rammed through the filter". Hmm... before the oil goes through the filter... seems to me that would be the very definition of unfiltered. And I
am talking about nasty metal filled oil, there will be wear particles in all engine oil, that would be what the filter is for... I totally agree about the "same splash oil used in any other option". That's why I didn't go with those. Particulate in a mechanical bearing = failure. Best to keep the bearing sealed, and the grease in the bearing.