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Old 03-01-2015, 01:22 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Gelbster View Post
I share your pain. I had a similar situation and decided to rebuild the engine. You have a smarter approach! My conclusion after well over $5000 is parts,tools,materials and many ,many months of study,labor and determination is =bad idea. Yes it is fascinating for a geekish engineer. But it is financially foolish for the average diy Forum member.
For someone who has done all the study,has all the tools and experience, it may be very attractive.
To help your prospective buyer who will need to replace all the lifters - there have been several discussions on the usual Forums about using a BMW interchange part for the 24 lifters. The saving is huge.
You may be able to buy the cam cover and cams from local Forum members. That may make it easier to sell.
BTW I went to school in Ismalia-briefly !
ma'a as-salaama
I hope this helps.
Sorry, but the cam covers cannot be replaced. The camshaft bores are machined into the cylinder head and cover as an assembly, and have to stay together. If you switch covers, the bores will no longer align and the cams will not fit properly or turn.

He might be able to get the damaged cover fixed, depending upon where the damage it.
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
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