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Old 02-25-2015, 08:54 PM   #112
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So what do you do when you're stuck at home, borderline delusional with fever and chills (besides buying a 14 year old sports car without a thorough pre buy - so last summer)?

Why, you install piston 4-6 of course!

I wish i could say i was kidding. I also wish i could say could say i was successful.

Piston #6 had me the most nervous. It went off without a hitch. My insertion tool marks dropped into place just the way i practiced and i knew instantly that the snap ring landed correctly. I almost didn't bother to create the flashlight on mirror tool, but that would have been a really stupid move. It really did go in exactly as desired.

With piston #5 it started out smoothly enough. But where you should verify the tool to your marks and not 95% sure, i sent the clip home and this time it did not sound right. Flashlight on mirror tool confirmed that the clip is sitting perfectly on the outside of the snap ring groove.

Didn't want to risk shooting the wrist pin clip into the crank case, so i got real careful. Did some pondering and had an idea to save the day. I spent $11.35 at my local home box store and brought home the materials to create the required tool.

I'll post up a diagram and some pictures tomorrow.
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