Originally Posted by Allen K. Littlefield
See if you can buy a European bumper as these did not have the cutouts for the US bumperette safety mandate. I imagine a aftermarket plastic panel to cover the holes might be a product someone here could produce? Perhaps a cutout with mesh to extract more heat from the muffler area? Just thinking out loud here.
Thanks for your reply Allen,
I'm looking for a drawing file for the fore mentioned panel as I know others have done this and it would probably take me little time to tool a machine at work to produce the piece out of some 1/8" sheet aluminum. Not a lot of time on my plate for pattern making hence the request for the file.
I'm not sure but I think those spec Boxster guys run no rear bumper or heat shields so there would be no hindrance for hot air getting out.
I'm keeping the bumper just want to lose the but plugs. I think cutting bigger holes than filling with mesh would not be cosmetically appealing knowing what lies behind them.