Did this tonight, mixed feelings. I'll have to drive it for another day or two, but right now my plan is to put a weaker spring in. I don't like where it rests, and the pedal now squeaks terribly. The feel is improved...need more time with it...
Either way, if you want to do it, here is the easiest way:
1. Remove the vent tubing in the way - just pull one side and then the other.
2. The cruise control switch is right in the way - twist 90 degrees and pull it out of the bracket.
3. Stick a nail in the hole at the back of the unit, with the head on top or it will just fall out.
4. Pry the pin with a screwdriver - pops right out, see photo below. The gold pin is part of the spring assembly that will come out - it is held in by the pressure of the spring alone.
5. Wiggle the whole thing out.