Originally Posted by 2000PorscheBoxster
bueller buelller bueller!
can someone chime in on this?
or a cutaway of the 2000 OEM porsche boxster non-s exhaust would be helpful too (i could determine whether to keep drilling through or not)
OK champ.. sorry to get here this late in the game of frustration. i have a non- S 1999. in the case of my muffler, the reason you were NOT getting a difference in sound is because the CHAMBER is already OPEN to the front and outside, right between the 2 exhausting pipes....so you are not making a difference by drilling again, UNLESS the drilling was significantly larger than suggested by CRIOS...(my new hero BTW). Don't have pics, again, at least in my case, that is what i found. the CENTER chamber is NOT sealed as in the case of the pics shown by CRIOS.