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Old 01-25-2015, 08:17 AM   #332
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Originally Posted by Nine8Six View Post
I can dbl-confirm that Martin's ashtray install methods works just perfectly. The circuit is indeed 6.6volts however it delivers 9V when the SkyBreaker is connected. More than enough current flows to power ON the kit. Looks good!

1) Remove ashtray
2) Unscrew the two torx screws
3) Pull out the assembly and set aside (no need to unplug anything, switches etc)
4) Splice both brown & bleu ashtray light wires and terminate as you wish (soldered mines, covered with 2" of electrical tape. Sufficient)

Brown = ground (goes to SkyBreaker black)
Blue = positive (goes to SkyBreaker red)

No need to remove the console, the cabling is so small it's easy to push under with your fingers. My controller is now residing in the armrest compartment same as Martin's initial idea. I've hidden the 385 kilometers of wires under the carpet/driver's side however

Sorry to be so pedantic (remember I'm a complete novice)
When you do this:
Splice both brown & bleu ashtray light wires and terminate as you wish
Brown = ground (goes to SkyBreaker black)
Blue = positive (goes to SkyBreaker red)

Does the ashtray light still work after you connect the skybreaker wires? Or does it eliminate the light? Not that it really matters if the light in there is lost, but just wondering.
Plus instead of soldering, I have these wire connectors I use so you don't even have to strip the insulation from the wires and no tape needed.
Sorry if this is a stupid questi

on, I just don't want to short circuit anything
Thank You

Ash tray light still works, soldering would be best but connectors will work remember it's very small wire, hard to crimp connectors too.

I will take a picture of it today for you. I had my 8 year old daughter help me hold each wire as I soldiered them
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