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Old 01-14-2015, 08:14 PM   #11
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Posts: 66
I had trouble pulling the cable towards the front of the car because of the lug on the end of the cable getting caught somewhere behind the fuse box. I cut the cable near the fuse box and took note of its routing. I then pulled it up to the access opening under the wipers.
*My goal was to feed the cable from the cabin to the front of the car since the grommet closer to the driver is larger the one in the fender and would have trouble fitting through the forward opening.

* I cut off both grommets with my dykes.
* Once I got the new cable into the wiper filler area I duct taped the old and new cables end to end.
* In the front left fender the cable was attached to a plastic clip and pulled apart easily.
* Pull forward on the old cable through fender.
* Cockpit grommet. Get started from cabin side. You can barely grab it under the reservoir with needle nose pliers to pop it through.
* Fender grommet...This little pos was where I invented new words. What worked for me was to pull back the fender liner above the wheel with one hand and keep trying with the other.
* Lube the front latch mechanism

* Reasemble

Last edited by Krieger; 01-16-2015 at 05:37 PM. Reason: Clarity
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