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Old 04-13-2006, 09:28 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by socratic
Another factor is that 95% of the time I would not notice or use the difference between the 2.7 and the 3.2 because I drive the Boxster as my everyday car (except when it rains). So that means 95% of the time it's normal commuting, stop and go traffic, going to work, going to the supermarket, etc. Whereas for some of you where it's your "fun" car or track car, and thus everytime you take it out you're really enjoying the extra power. So why not stick with my 01 2.7 [this is the MNBoxster recommendation].

Actually I think you would notice the difference. In stop and go or slow moving traffic the extra torque of the 3.2 could mean less shifting back and forth between gears.

just a thought
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