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Old 01-08-2015, 10:07 AM   #6
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I owned an OBXT which I modded to stage 3 and had a ton of fun with it. In fact it was a freak in the snow, dirt, mud, etc. I probably have never owned a car that had as much shove off the line.

While I think a Subaru engine would be fun in a boxster, be forewarned: They are not without their own flaws.

There isn't much oil in the Subaru and the filter is pathetic. It is somewhere between a shot glass and coffee cup in size. It is also located right next to the exhaust so it doesn't exactly stay cool.

Check the forums where I used to frequent and you'll see as many people with boat anchor turbo subaru motors as anyone with an IMS problem here. My own XT had an engine put in at 57k miles, immediately before I bought it. The small filter clogs easily and goes into bypass mode. Next up, a small filter screen on the way to lube the turbo gets plugged. From there the turbo comes apart and the engine ingests the pieces.

The invoices I had for the short block and new heads (you can't buy a long block from Subaru) was $11k, so let's set aside any illusion that you can get a great engine for a few grand.

The same engine is also known to have the oil pickup tube fall off, causing immediate oil starvation. I didn't experience this problem but it happens.

Now, all of this is something you can mitigate if you really want to go with the Subaru. First change the oil a lot to prevent the joke of an filter from being clogged. You can run the filter from an RX-8 mazda for slightly increased volume but it is a small effort.

Next, remove the filter screen. Dirty oil to the turbo is way better than no oil.

Next, ditch the factory turbo. There is a hybrid turbo available for around $700 that puts great low/mid range power down and is far more durable than the factory unit.

Seek the aftermarket oil pick up. Fresh timing belt, tensioner and waterpump.

If you go above the 16psi that I ran your intercooler will let go. Plenty of welded aluminum aftermarket solutions there. Go much above stage 3 and it gets very expensive.

Not saying it wouldn't be a really fun project, just do it with your eyes open.
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