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Old 12-26-2014, 09:07 AM   #2
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Even if it was a good engine is it trustworthy to buy being "rebuilt"?
You really don't have enough information to know yet. As you stated, "rebuilt" can mean a lot of things. In most US states, any car which has been in a serious wreck, or damaged by flood or hail will carry a "rebuilt" brand on the title after it has been repaired. A seller saying that a car is totally rebuilt could just mean that the suspension has been replaced and the engine has had maintenance done.

Ask the seller for details. Strongly consider a PPI before committing to buying the car, unless you like surprises. $5,500 is not uncommon any more for a '99.

It may be a good deal if it has a professionally rebuilt engine and is well maintained, or it could be a scary piece of junk.
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