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Old 12-24-2014, 01:55 PM   #90
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I haven't posted to this thread in some time because I've been in parts ordering mode and of choose life, work, travel,etc can slow down a project.

I'm writing this from a tablet so please excuse any typo, punctuation, spelling errors or spazzed out photo links.

First pic...

The above pic is when i got all my pieces back from being ultrasonic cleaned, my crank polished and magna fluxed

At this point i should stop and clarify that i am not actually "rebuilding" this engine but merely repairing the truly honked up parts.

Above is a box of parts that are not going back in my engine as of about 30 minutes ago. It is by no means complete.

One of the things i needed to replace before i could get very far were the oil spray nozzles. They look almost like small rifle brass and are located in the bearing carrier. You need to install them before you can install the main bearings and because i didn't really wrap my head around them i didn't have them on order early enough. Once again Pelican Parts came through with the best prices and super fast delivery.

They came the other day along with new chain guides for the IMS chain. Since I've been sitting on all new crank bearings, rod bearings, a used but excellent rod to replace my number six rod, and APC rod bolts i was about out of excuses.

So today I turned the bus around and started putting this bucket of bolts back on the road.

This shows the bearing carrier with fresh bearings installed, thrust bearings in place and the crank laying in place.

I temporarily installed the old bearing carrier bolts and tightened them in the proper order but only to 5 ft lbs so i could get a feel for how the crank felt and get an idea of what kind of end play I am looking at. Wow is it smooth. I have APC bolts coming for the bearing carrier and expect them in the next few days. I will replace the existing bolts before i torque any further and check that end play.

This pic shows the APC rod bolts next to the stock ones. They are not cheap so it seems a shame to hide them so far inside. The piece of mind in knowing i have reduced the likelihood of having a bolt stretch or bearing spin is worth it though.

I used Joe Gibbs assembly grease on the rod bearings and the APC lube on the bolt threads. I made absolutely certain that the cracked interfaces on the rod bearing caps nested perfectly together before snugging them up. I spent a lot of time carefully wiping down the parts and really feeling how they went together.

The manual has you torque the rod bolts to 15 ft lbs, then 90 degrees more. The instructions with the APC bolts tell you to use a stretch guage (which i don't have) or going to 45 ft lbs. Having read up on the stretch guage idea i think i would go that way next time. Cool concept.

Above is the assembled bearing carrier as of just a while ago. Again, i spent quite a bit of time feeling each rod as they went together and I'm quite happy with my stopping place for the day
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