Originally Posted by Topless
Daily driver? Now what points are important to you and we can narrow the field some.
* Regular use below 40 F ambient? All season
* Extra long life? All season
* Wet grip?
* Dry grip?
* Road noise and comfort?
* Low price?
No tire does everything well so prioritize these points and we can offer the best suggestions to meet your needs. If your car has not been aligned in the last year or two I recommend having it done. It will pay for itself in added tire life.
Damn, I thought I had put all that in my original post. another pitfall of getting old
this is my daily driver, I live in Nashville, TN so we don't get many days below freezing. winter daily temps are usually in the 40's.
we do get quite a bit of rain, but rarely snow or ice, and on those days I would drive the truck.
basically want something that rides well, decent grip (especially in rain) and decent life. I don't really care about the cost, but if I could keep it under $300 per tire (maybe $350 for rear) that would be great.