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Old 12-16-2014, 09:26 AM   #5
inveniam viam aut faciam
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Arvada, CO
Posts: 440
I think that you will find a lot of Chinese sites that make broad claims as to the capabilities of their cheap knockoff tools. They know that there is little chance of them refunding money, so it really doesn't matter if the stuff does or does not do what is claimed.

My guess is that the functionality that that specific tool has is for the Kessy system used on Cayennes with keyless entry. As far as I know there is NO tool that will generate the transponder code that is used on the 9x6s.
'03 S, manual, 18" Carrera wheels, PSM, PSE, Litronic, 996 Cluster, +
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