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Old 12-03-2014, 10:35 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by porsche-land View Post
QUOTE:"This statement proves to me that you do not know what you are talking about. The larger bearing Porsche went to increased the ball speed, reducing street failures, but increasing track failures. Furthermore, ball bearings like RPM - it has been seen time and time again that cars driven like they were stolen (or at high speeds in Germany) have less IMS failures do to higher engine RPMs. This is just like you rebuilding engines and only sleeving the cylinders that have damage or problems, leaving others unfixed, which will eventually fail. We loose one Motormeister to only be replaced by another."

You statement regarding IMS failure due to driving style is simply false. You implied that these cars get stolen in Germany, and that the thieves drive fast on the Autobahn (and thanks to that they do not fail) is simply a picture of what you and Raby have in your heads.
Both of you push your theories which you have created to people. If you will ever open your eyes, you will realize that Porsches have been fixed in Europe long before you both existed on these forums. We have driven these cars in Europe 300km/h, and the IMS would fail for no reason sometimes. Driving style has nothing to do with it.
We will repeat again, we did not start this conversation about your IMS. Raby's the one who started "sharing" his opinion here on OUR tread. We did not start getting into your business until Raby started attacking us on the forum. We did not just start to talk about your bearing out of the blue, we know you've been selling them for years, and great for you. But when you get into our business, you will have to face the consequences. You're not the only person who can produce a bearing like that, we will prove you wrong. Even if we have to sell it for our costs, we will provide an option for people to buy it for a better price than yours.
Next time maybe you and Raby will learn NOT TO GET IN ANYBODY'S BUSINESS.
He's already facing the consequences of his previous posts on this tread.
We did change our name 2 times, in Europe people use brand names commonly, it's not being blocked as much there as here, so automotive shops use the name of the make they specialize in all the time. We have received a letter from Porsche, and changed our name. It hasn't been done because we are trying to avoid any responsibility or anything like that. So please don't imply we're not trustworthy because of our name change.
We will let you know about the IMS investigation as soon as we will find out. We deal with people in Europe, and even if we will have to dig it out of the ground, we will get it.
Remember, you are the one that made the off hand comment about us and also invited Jake on here by making a pass at him as well. It was other forum members that were asking about your bearing kit and you brought us up. It's only fair that we respond in kind.

Our "theories" are based off of well documented facts about ball bearings and are backed up by data from our bearing manufacturer and others in the field.

Again, I'd like to see where the Germans invented the IMS fix. As far as they were all concerned, there was no problem and no reason to fix it.

We've helped out countless dozens of Porsche dealerships worldwide and helped to rebuild confidence in a whole generation of vehicles that were otherwise considered disposable and resale values reflected this. Not to mention the level of support we provide the aftermarket to ensure the integrity of the brand is upheld.

Jake and I have separate businesses. If you have a beef with Jake, that's fine by me. But attack my brand and my integrity, and I too will reply in kind. I have nothing to hide. Our installations stand over 20,000 strong and we've rebuilt over 1000 engines. I have nothing to prove here.
Charles Navarro
President, LN Engineering and Bilt Racing Service
Home of Nickies, IMS Retrofit, and IMS Solution
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