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Old 12-03-2014, 03:53 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by porsche-land View Post
If you'd read the description in our Ebay listing it says:
"This set is produced in Germany, most of independent Porsche repair shops use this exact set to update IMS in Europe."
We get the whole set from our partner shop in Germany. Nowhere it states that this bearing is made in Germany. It says the whole set is made in Germany. Same as your set is made in US, it doesn't say anywhere that you use a Japanese bearing.
Have you done your homework. Obviously not. There have been dozens if not more discussions on our bearings (and others) on this forum (and others again) and we've provided full disclosure as to the origins of our bearings as being custom made for us by a ceramic bearing specialist out of California. Furthermore, we state right on our website that we use Japanese components:

Is it Genuine?

You, or we might as well use German, Polish, Romanian or any other bearing produced out there. Porsche factory does the same.
In the end, it doesn't matter where the bearing is produced, it's the quality that matters. The globalization has it's rights, companies search for cheaper labor costs around the world, but still keep the same quality of materials.
Even factory Porsche parts are produced all around the world, Ukraine, Poland, Chech Republic, Portugal, and Italy.
Yes, the source of the bearings do matter. It is well known in the bearing world the URB bearings are not much better than the Chinese bearings so prevalent in the market.

The IMS kits we sell have been tested in Europe for many years, and the retrofit concept has been been around for many years before your patent.
You're stating that IMS kit we sell is not good, let us repeat again, our partners in Europe have been using it for MANY YEARS, and never has a problem with them.
The truth is, that your bearings, and our bearings are very similar to the Porsche quality from factory.
You can say this but it's just not true. Our ceramic hybrid is better than the original conventional bearing, but the OE bearings were at least from a trusted manufacturer known for quality bearings.

Hybrid ceramic ball bearings

The closest thing to our single row bearing you can find is a Chinese piece of junk for $70-80. To compare to our bearings, an equivalent SFK ceramic hybrid retails for almost $400 when purchased one at a time.

[QUOTE}How do you explain the fact that many IMS bearings have been used for many miles, and are still good. Whereas, some give up after as little as 15k miles? It depends on the series of bearings which the factory was using at the time. Porsche used bearings from Japan, Poland, and Germany at the time, doesn't matter which one it was, some gave up after low mileage, and some worked for years without any problems.[/QUOTE]

Again, this has been discussed at length. It's just not random why the fail. Load capacity is one issue coupled with many other factors including driving style and maintenance.

Therefore, your or our factory made bearings are not better or worse than the original ones used by Porsche.
No, not true. Making the same false statement repeatedly does not make it true.

The only difference is that you cannot purchase a Porsche bearing by itself, you have to buy the whole shaft set for $1800 plus tax.
Exactly. When I was approached by Bruce Anderson about all the problems with the M96 engine, it was accepted common knowledge that the IMS bearing could not be serviced and that the M96 engine was disposable. We changed the rules.

The only problem with Porsche bearings is that the load capacity is too low, and RPM's are too high. In the long run (ie:200k miles), same thing will happen with your or our bearings.
That's why Porsche wouldn't take the risk anymore, and changed it to the bigger shaft.
This statement proves to me that you do not know what you are talking about. The larger bearing Porsche went to increased the ball speed, reducing street failures, but increasing track failures. Furthermore, ball bearings like RPM - it has been seen time and time again that cars driven like they were stolen (or at high speeds in Germany) have less IMS failures do to higher engine RPMs. This is just like you rebuilding engines and only sleeving the cylinders that have damage or problems, leaving others unfixed, which will eventually fail. We loose one Motormeister to only be replaced by another.

You business is based on the fact that dealer doesn't sell new bearings by itself, you ave found the niche in the market, and have taken advantage of it.
You overdid it with charging your customers too much for a product that is not worth as much. People didn't have the choice before, now they do.
Now, you and Mr. Raby cannot stand the fact that someone else sells IMS bearings. You research every competitor out there to prove your bearing is the only good one.
Our only issue is with competitors that make false claims and knock down our product to make theirs look better. Of course we research our competition and we buy and test all the competition's products, including yours. There are many things that will run if installed, but not run right, IMS kits included. Again there is more than just the sum of the parts.

We sell the bearings, and also rebuild Porsche engines. We use our bearings, and put our name on it. We wouldn't do so if we had any doubts, we're not suicidal.
Considering you've changed your name three times in a year, your name doesn't carry much in the US market or here on the forums. Respect is earned. I, like Jake, have spent thousands of hours on many forums helping others with their problems and developing AND TESTING those solutions we have marketed.

Maybe you have some tests run by an independent research facility that would conclude your statements? If you do, please forward these to the forum, pretty sure everyone would love to see that.
As is commonly posted in threads, use the search feature. This has all been said before. The reason you haven't read any of it is that all you do is come on this forum and post ads for rebuilt engines and do not provide any value to the online Porsche community.

If you don't , please let us know and we will be able to get it done for you.
As to having your bearings custom assembled, do you really think that nobody else can find a company that will produce and assemble these as well? We are working on it to prove you within a week that it's possible. Even though it sounds like a bunch of lies.
If you claim that you have another supplier producing your balls for the bearings, please provide the proof of that, we don't believe you on this one. Please send a video on YouTube of that process, and then we will believe in your claims.
Since you have been open about your production process, please see it through, and we will take our hats off to your invention if you can prove it.
Again, we've already been through the gauntlet. Now it's your turn. Don't think you're being singled out or bullied. The forums did the same thing to us back in 2008 and again when we came out with the IMS Solution.
Charles Navarro
President, LN Engineering and Bilt Racing Service
Home of Nickies, IMS Retrofit, and IMS Solution
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