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Old 12-02-2014, 12:27 PM   #20
Jake Raby
Engine Surgeon
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Cleveland GA USA
Posts: 2,425
Mr. Raby,

With all due respect to what you do, you can keep pushing your theory to everybody out there who believes in you like in God.
Maybe one day, after you've spent 22 years of your life wiring to be at the top of the food chain, you'll have earned the same respect. Never fear, some clown hiding behind a keyboard will challenge it, they always do.

People pay you $700 for a bearing that costs you $100 to make.
Hold on just one damn minute! How dare you imply that this component costs 100.00 to make, when you have no idea what the costs are. Your assumption is based on speculation, and further is completely off base. On top of that, no one buys an IMS bearing from me! I developed the kit. I developed the tools. Further, I invented the IMS Solution. I invented the Faultless Tool. I invented the Single Row Pro kit and I have paid for all the Patents to protect these from people who will rob them, copy them and send them to China in a heart beat.

I have not sold an individual IMS Bearing since 2010! I am a developer, I am not a seller.

We know you don't produce the actual bearings, you buy them, you just produce the rest.
Really, what are you, Wikipedia? Do you have a European Crystal Ball? What you think you know, what you'd like to know, and what you do know are all different things.

Everyone can go to any CNC shop, and get all the remaining parts made for about $60.
Really? Maybe in China, but not in the USA, and remember, this isn't counting all the development time, and all the tooling costs, and all the time to solid model every part. Oh, wait, I forgot, copying someone else's part doesn't require most of that!! Just buy one and take them a sample, then sell it without any practical application testing. How about years of developing things when NO ONE was there to help and everyone said that the bearing was impossible to retrofit? How about the days when I literally wasted 4,400.00 in less than one minute testing a new concept?

You buy your bearings, and simply engrave your name on it, or you might have the factory engrave your name on it.
Again, you are completely lost.

These bearings are the same exact quality as ours, or any other good quality material bearing available out there.
Don't compliment yourself in such a manner, when you have no idea what you are stating. Please divulge your sources for this information, and substantiate it.

Anyone can buy these bearings themselves if they search for it!
Again, impossible. All the bearings that are used in LN kits have a proprietary source. The alterations that are made to these units over a normal unit also differentiate them from the rest.

Same thing goes for you rebuilding engines. We are 100% sure, you're doing it perfect, just like we do. It does take vast knowledge, and precision. There are many so called "mechanics" in US, who don't know what the hell they're doing. But there are also many intelligent mechanics in Europe who think logically, and are able to put a Porsche engine together without any problems.
Where the shop or technician is from doesn't have a single thing to do with it. If being European makes someone qualified to work on a European engine, that means I am qualified to work on a Chevrolet engine, as an expert, even though I haven't touched one in 20 years. Were you born in Europe to work with European engines? Hell no, not any more than I was born in the USA to work with Chevrolet engines.

I sell engines worldwide. Tomorrow, I'll have technicians at my facility from 4 different Continents who are here for my hands on M96 engine assembly school. Think building an engine is tough, try doing it live with 20 people on hand without a single note to work from, having memorized every single step.

Lets get something straight here, the IMS Retrofit was invented in the USA, by AMERICANS, and all the components are made in USA. All of this while the Europeans stood by and did nothing for a decade. When European kits were finally released they were either copies of what we'd done a decade before, OR the kits came with a copy of my instructions, using my retrofit procedure, and often with a copy of my original extraction tool. Others would just buy the extraction tool from our European distributor and include it with their kit. They may say that their bearings are made in a certain European country, but the unique thing is that country has no supplier that makes the bearings there and hasn't in 20 years!

We know many Porsche shops from Europe, and many of them come from small European countries. Whereas, in US we can only count a few good Porsche specialists who know what they're doing.
Again, who gives a damn where someone is? Stop slamming America, if its so bad here, then why are you here? As a former US Marine I wore a uniform to protect this country, and keep it the best on planet Earth. Let me get this straight, you'll sell as many engines as possible to Americans, and take their money, but you believe that all of us are idiots? Thats nice to know, I am sure all my fellow Americans on this board will appreciate the way that you feel just as much as I do. If its so bad, why did you come here?

Me and my European friends are amazed by how much you charge for your engines, and that you're basically a guru to Americans.
This is because you are uninformed as to what these engines require to produce, and to create. Our process has 64 different steps, and leads to ultimately 130 hours of human life being expended to get our end result. The last customer that kept a journal of what we did during the process crested an 11 page PDF of the summary.

Again, maybe one day you'll be a little higher up the food chain, and you'll have to earn it, because it won't be given. I have earned the respect that I am given- period.
You are not supposed to like me. You are not supposed to respect me, and therefore I don't give a damn what you think.

Your prices are comparable to spaceship costs, most of these cars are not even worth $20k. Some might be more expensive, like 997 Carrera S…
Doesn't matter. I was selling 12K dollar 914 engines 15 years ago, for guys that had cars worthy 2-3K, the cost of a Porsches engine has always been equal to the car after its a few years old. If you'd been in this business, and built your first engine (for a paying customer) at age 13, you'd know this without me having to state it.

Real price to rebuild an engine like that is between $10-12k. That covers the parts, labor and warranty.
That shows how little you believe needs to be addressed with these engines. EVERY engine that we build will see 5K worth of cylinders alone, and 10-12K won't even buy the parts. Most repairs at our level cost 10-12K to carry out correctly.

We really don't understand people who spend so much money on your engines, you're charging your customers double what we charge.
By the same token I can't see how the job can be done so cheaply.

That means our customers can have 2 engines for the price of one of your engines, with warranty, and much less time.
Perhaps they could, so what this proves is my purchasers seek out the thoroughbred, they spend more to attain it, and they wait longer to get it. They enjoy every minute of working with us, too.

We also sell already rebuilt motors for $10-12k, and currently have 10 in stock available for purchase. Next 10 is waiting to be rebuilt. Soon, we will lower our prices, as we will have freshly rebuilt engines from Europe. Our lower cost=savings for our customers. Great quality work from Europe will be guaranteed.
Good, more power to you. I haven't been able to put an engine on "the shelf" since 1999, and today I'd never even try to.

We suggest you should stop bullying your competition on the forums, you're not the only good Porsche mechanic in US. We have better things to do with our time than to reply to your "comments" online.
If you don't have the time to post online, then why did you start this advertisement thread? As far as bullying goes, well I didn't reply until someone requested my presence in this thread. I cleared the air about my involvement with development of a certain component. How is that "bullying"?

You have your business, and we have ours.
And based on all your comments, you have been too worried about my business and wondering how I have accomplished what I have. If what we do was so off base, you'd be less interested and you'd care nothing about what the other guy does as long as he doesn't copy your parts.

There are other good shops out there too, like in Florida, they do not treat engine rebuilding like rocket science either...Their prices are comparable to ours. They also sell the IMS, like we do.
One never gets where they want to be, by remaining where they are. Engine building IS rocket science at our level, because WE are developing the products that the entire industry will use. We just happen to save some of those for our engine purchasers.

Eurosport in Chicago also rebuilds engines, they do a great job, they charge a bit more than us, but their prices are still comparable.
Ok, more power to them, too. Together you guys keep the bottom feeders from tying up our phone lines.

They don't treat it as spaceships either.
Most don't, and couldn't, even if they wanted to.

Hopefully people will understand that Porsche engine rebuilding is not only reserved for Jake Raby, there are other options out there, and people should know about it.
My program was the very first engine program for the M96 engine. It started years before anyone dreamed of "rebuilding" these engines. Today the same goes for the 9a1 engine, that we have already been working with since 2010. We take pride in being the first at everything we do, and thats why Panamera engines are in development, and even the Macan will soon be apart in my research facility. They'll join the newest GT3 engine, as well.

"If you do what you believe is right, rather than what is expected, there will be those who appreciate what you create and want to share it with you"
Dr. Porsche

Lots of people appreciate our approach enough to wait a year or more for an engine, and "share it" with us. They like the fact that we treat engines like they will be powering space ships, and they like the fact that we address all known engine deficiencies. They appreciate the fact that we will only do the job 100%, else we won't do it at all.

Some people are leaders, most people are followers. The rest are just lost.

The word to the wise would be for you to do what you do, and I'l do what I do. We don't operate in the same galaxy, and we share no purchasers, and if I referred you to my "competitor" we'd both be wrong.

Why don't you answer Flavor987's questions?
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Jake Raby/
IMS Solution/ Faultless Tool Inventor
US Patent 8,992,089 &
US Patent 9,416,697
Developer of The IMS Retrofit Procedure- M96/ M97 Specialist
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