Originally Posted by Fowlfixr
Looking for driver's side sun visor for an '00, preferably with intact mirror door...do you have one?
Sorry don't have any
New arrival. It's a 97 with the 5 speed and it runs good. I'm attempting to sell it whole to someone who might want to turn it into a spec Boxster. I have someone who seems interested in the motor only. If that happens, then I will be parting out the rest. If that guy buys the motor, I also have people who have called dibs on the tranny, seats and wheels. I have video of it running if anyone is interested. The cluster was damaged on it and I can't verify mileage but I was able to get a hold of the guy who sold it to the guy who owned it last. He was the second owner and came across as an average car owner. He said he owned it for 9 years and sold it just 9 months ago with low 80s mileage. He couldn't remember exactly how many, but said the car was in great shape 9 months ago. I would guess the guy who wrecked it only had it a few months before he wrecked it.