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Old 11-10-2014, 09:00 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by hemonu View Post
But I'm surprised that the clips at the corner of the bearings are not broken. When it happened to me the engine got totally overheated in a minute and the bearing was completely destroyed.
You know, I had put my tools away and gone about my life for a couple of hours when I had the exact same thought. So I went back out and took a careful look.

As you can see, both tabs are knocked off. I'm pointing at one of them still where it is supposed to live. The other one presented itself when I first removed the rod and bearing. It was just sitting on the crank and at the time I didn't know where it came from.

It would appear rods come in sets of six, and they're about $1500. I'd like to think I could get a single rod and have them all balanced as a set.

That I can tell, there are no scratches on the crank that would justify turning it to the next size down (which btw, aren't commonly available for the M96 from my first glance), but would respond well to a polish job.

I'm making a call to a local hot rod shop that has the capacity to do ultrasonic cleaning and do the polish work.
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