Originally Posted by xtremecc
I used to throw my keys on the table till i had same problem. pry open you key. usually lock/unlock button comes unattached from board. just put a small point of soldering with a soldering iron. check both sides. hope this helps.
I would recommend the above just had my keys repaired by this firm
car key remote keyfob repairs new key fob replacement cases supplied
After note :- "International repairs welcome." seen this in the information write up.
Mine were working intermittent, when I opened my fob you could feel movement in the top small micro presser switch, this was losing the connection on the circuit board at times I would not even get a red light on the fob.
Just got my Fob back from them and it works a 100% now, I didn’t realise how annoying it was until I had it fixed works perfect and even from a further distance now they have either put a new battery in (I had changed that as a first resort when not working tidy a month ago) or more than likely it is a better connection on the circuit board now.