10-30-2014, 03:57 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap
operating a vehicle without insurance is illegal and if police are called a summons requiring a court appearance will be issued at a minimum, regardless of their legal resident status. The police who respond in many jurisdictions, Florida jumps to mind, can arrest the uninsured driver and have the car impounded. At which point their legal status would be determined and bail refused as they were deemed either "danger to the community or pose a risk of flight", the standard for bail. If the local police who arrested the uninsured driver suspect the driver of being an undocumented immigrant they can alert the immigration officials who will place a federal detainer on the uninsured drivers's release to begin deportation proceedings. The federal government routinely deports undocumented aliens as a consequence of these very vehicular accidents, often so promptly that their kids are still at home without any adult supervision and must be monitored by social services.
Point being, it all depends on whether you called the police and how they handle it. Illegals are not sanctioned to drive without insurance whether the state provides them with driver's licenses or not. And they have a strong motivation to carry insurance because if they are deported as consequence of a car accident or a bench warrant for failing to appear in court over a previous car accident, re-entering the country after a likely deportation in those cirumstances is a felony, assuming they are stopped for driving without insurance a second time, which will result in a lengthy federal prison sentence which they will serve in full without the possibility parole... after which they will be deported and often with long stays in a prison until their second, more complicated deportation is processed.
Some states along the border simply do not have the manpower to process every undocumented immigrant formally and simply load them onto a bus back to their country. Processing every single undocumented worker caught this way (over two million by my last read) would require a drastic increase ($$$$) in immigration officers, jails and clerical staff. And we already have more immigration officers be it inspectors or border patrol agents than all law enforcement agencies combined. It's a bigger force than just about any South American military, except for possibly Colombia who are at war with the heavily funded FARC terrorist rebels.
I'm going to guess that you're damage is about $9K. It would have been higher if you had HID litronics instead of halogens.
Push for them to replace both headlights as they will not match if you have one old one and one new one. In your situation I would ask for a check that you would receive based on an estimate from a shop of your choosing. This instead of having the shop paid directly by the insurance, these shops will send a very inflated estimate in that case and it could result in an increase to your insurance as they try to get the money back, especially if you've have any speeding tickets or moved to a new zip code.
Perfectlap, are you a Politician? If so, that would explain a lot!!!!