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Old 10-22-2014, 09:59 AM   #38
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It has taken me a few days of pacing about, soul searching and even laying awake at night trying to plan my next move. I really wanted to believe that I had dodged the big one and that I might be able to install a new IMS and do some oil changes.

I also wanted to believe that Santa was real. I had a number of "what if's" going on in my head.

What if there is scoring on my crankshaft, or my main/rod bearings? What if I take the short cut and get my car back together and it makes it 1,000 miles and it ends with a clunk? What if I got it all back together including the new AOS, and still got a blinking oil light? What if I did get a clean bearing installed and my crank was fine but there was a hand full of glitter waiting in my oil cooler or oil pressure relief valve just waiting to contaminate a perfectly good bearing and then score up my crankshaft?

Would I ever really trust this engine to take my car on a road trip 500 miles from home, trashing a canyon somewhere 40 miles from the nearest tow truck? Not really.

I miss driving the car but I can't allow that to cloud my judgement and then end up with a smoking boat anchor.

When I shared my thoughts with my woman she said "You should tear it apart. You know how, you enjoy working on it and you bought the car as a hobby".

I had also recently queried Mr Raby to see if he had plans to do a plain bearing for those of us who own two row cars. He sent a quick reply telling me that the market isn't large enough to justify it, and also to please not install any LN products in my engine. That was a pretty direct statement. I'm guessing he doesn't carefully peel bandaids off either.

Damn that Santa Claus anyway.

So I'm going to proceed with the complete tear down. I will hold every part of this engine in my hands before long. I will get down to a bare crankshaft which I will need to have polished and checked for straightness. Jake also urged me to have everything cleaned ultrasonically to make sure every bit of debris is out.

That decision made, Chapter 2 begins this week with removal of the engine and the beginning of the tear down.
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