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Old 10-18-2014, 04:41 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by holtzy822 View Post
I have a cessna 150, 900 hours since overhaul and so i have 1100 before it needs to be overhauled. And my operating cost is 50 a month for insurance and tie downs and 15 an hour for maintenance with overhaul factored in. Put 25 on top of that for fuel (4-6 GPH at 5.10 a gallon) and its 40 per hour to fly. Beats 80 per hour for a 150 at a flight school. I don't know why I'm even explaining this to you, I know exactly how much I spend and how much it costs to rent an airplane.

And I sold it because I had a buyer lined up and my dads gone for the next 3 months so I get to drive his Audi wherever I need. I'm sure I can find a car in 3 months.

And no. You dont need to fly 100 hours a year (which I do anyways) to make it equal to a flight school. Partner up with someone and its cheaper than renting a cub at a FS
Yes, this is the best/cheapest way to build to build time. Good for you. When I was getting my ratings and building time, I was paying $12/hour dry for a 150 as part of a flying club, also a good way to go. With fuel it was around $18/hour total. Good luck, the future is bright for a young guy/gal in aviation since most of us old guys will be retiring in the next 10 to 15 years
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